Trezor : Bridge

Install Trezor Bridge separately if you are using the updated version of Trezor Suite then there is no requirement for you to download Bridge.

What is Trezor Bridge?

We know that Trezor keeps the funds offline so there should be a communication tool present that will help to establish communication between the web and Trezor Wallet. Thus, this is where the Trezor Bridge comes in, it works as that communication tool. And this is the only reason for introducing it. But, this reason is sufficient.

What changes did it make?

There is no need for the users to interact directly with the bridge application. All the users have to do is just install it and then start their seamless trading in crypto without any worry. This application would be running automatically in the background and would not disturb in between. For new users, the wallet would automatically ask you to install the application during the time of account setup.

How to download Trezor Bridge?

Those who are using the Trezor Wallet Extension have two options. One is either to uninstall the extension and the second is to download the Trezor Bridge. The process of downloading bridge application is:

  1. Click open your preferred Browser.

  2. In the search option write ‘Download Trezor Bridge’.

  3. Now, click the first link shown in your search result.

  4. Select the device you want to install it.

  5. Then, press the button ‘Download Latest Bridge’.

  6. Now, the process of installation would begin automatically.

Just follow the further guided prompts to complete the full installation process.

Last updated